Thursday, January 17, 2008

ByeBye Christmas...Yeah I know it's Jan 17th

I love Christmas! I love decorating & making crafts and all the build up and songs and ALL of it! (The condition to all this love is that it is contained in the month of December - not a moment before!) But there is one part of Christmas I truly hate, procrastinate about & despise: taking it all down. Oh you know what I mean & I'm sure there are many many people who have left their tree up through Valentine's day simply because they couldn't face putting it all away! I don't regret seeing Christmas go (one month is definately enough!) it's just such a chore!

But the tree was so sad, so droopy, and I couldn't ignore it anymore! So today it is gone. The decorations and ornaments are boxed and waiting for the freezing cold attic. The relief I feel is almost overwhelming! 10 1/2 months to forget & then anticipate all that Christmas goodness!

One thing I did get to do at Christmas that I've wanted to do FOREVER — I made an edible gingerbread house! It's from a Martha Stewart magazine and it looks so cool! But unfortunately it tasted gross. Gingerbread should be warm and served with wipped cream, not cold covered in frosting. But it was something I always wanted to do & now it's done!

Bye Bye Christmas...

Monday, January 14, 2008


The beginning of the year is always intimidating for me. Either I've loaded myself down with resolutions that can't possibly happen or I've made none at all - either way I start the year off feeling like I'm not going to be able to do what I need/want to do. OK OK, I need a shrink for this, but truly it just seems like a doomed situation. But it stops now.

This year my "resolution" (singular!) is to revel in the ordinary and to post about what gets done around here and what doesn't get done around here!

You'll see lots of craft stuff, lots of kid stuff, beautiful pics of the Pocono mountains, books, and whatever else passes my way.

So Happy New Year! I hope yours is full of the extraordinary ordinary and much happiness!